The Eugene Blair Project "I have no regret for killing or maiming a highwayman, but I should never forgive myself for firing on an innocent man. " ......Eugene Blair
Click Below for Wells Fargo Daddy Horse Putting Ogletree Deakins in a Hurt Locker
Wells Fargo and Company has a really long history. One of the many famous Wells Fargo Drivers was Eugene Blair.
No corporate project was ever this bold, this encompassing.
We are One People. We are One Wells Fargo. Our Employees and Agents are our Drivers Working in Communities Across America and the World.
The Eugene Blair Project
Courtesy of The RAND Corporation Santa Monica, California
We Are One People. We Are One Wells Fargo. Progress and Prosperity Are Back
Destructive Methodologies Were Sold Along With Computers. Cold War Spy Tricks Became Part of Business. Lolitta Express was a 'honeypot' that was filmed. How Did You THINK Hedge Fund Managers Make $$ :) RM-3208-ARPA Pre Maddox Unique Document Skim Past Intro Depraved activity of USA agents inflicted under rubric of Operation Sunrise to setup Vietnam War. War is a Product of Profitable War Industries Metaphor: War is Manufactured in Santa Monica and Sold in Hollywood
P-3235 Must Read P. 7-15 Dark Warnings, 1965 Las Vegas Paul Baran is among those credited with 'invention of internet'. Internet was operational at dial up speed in 1965 within the defense biz, they called it ARPANET. It was pulled off the shelf of RAND 20 years later, flaws and all. RM-365 "Exploiting Superstitions for Purposes of Psychological Warfare", 1951 1st in a long series of similar actionable psychops studies. Marketing 101. Metaphor: America Runs on 'Psych Ops' P-2937 Hallucinogenic Drugs- a Perspective with Special Reference to Peyote and Cannabis. They apparently knew how to get paid to party in 1964 LA.
P-2982. Original Delphi Study Still 'sold' to corporations as employee training, etc. even though RAND repudiated the validity of the method for future prediction around 1970.
P-2957 Problem Employees? Try LSD (!) see page 3 where it specifies that employees were used, their gender, etc. First few blank pages were part of the original publication. Then comes.... LSD Experiments on Employees RM-4220-PR The OCAMA Project - Making "Work" Justifying Massively Un-needed Workers by Creating the Convincing Illusion of Work. Bureaucracy in Spades and on Steroids This is an offshoot of the earlier "Oxnard Base Improvement Project". rm-3370-pr It was so horrific to workers back then erudite young men in suits making them slaves to computers.
Son of the Father of Computerized Obfuscation Used and Cited in Above... RM-697 The Arcane Math That Sold the Methodology. Skip past declassification pages. Notice second name Andrew J. Clark. He wrote much of their complex math way back then. Nothing sells like 'fear of math'. It was incorporated into RM-1519 ...just LOOK at that and parts of it are still embedded into canned code modules to this day. You can if you want also search the close relationship between him and Nobel Prize Winner Harry Markowitz... Mr. Markowitz had my dad doing all his math and they went on together at CACI. Markowitz and many others built the modern financial industry with this type of math.
In 1965, RAND Memorandum were ordered to be physically backed up at a university library in all 50 states. They generally went to the most rural or isolated large state university. Oregon State U. (my alma mater) was the Oregon repository. Maybe they forgot because the LSD RAND Paper on RAND.ORG was redacted with a blanket statement that the experiments didn't actually take place. :)
Read it for yourself in exceptional but succinct detail (typical of documents before self correcting typewriters and word processing.) Seems they would be proud of the fact. It is less crazy than the modern "workplace" and what attorneys like Ogletree Deakins do to us all.
Real. City of Eugene Oregon Police Car Vid. I am handcuffed after evening SWAT 'arrest' called in by Wells Fargo/Ogletree Deakins
Real Police Audio: Cops on street then hq (shocking)
Real Police Audio: Securitas Child Guard Does Not Know Where he is, who I am, etc. 911 call 7.28. "Arrest" 7.29
But Before That is Possible It is necessary to compensate and correct my damages resulting from the Project. Call or Visit. We need to talk workout. My only other option is to escalate Legal Warfare against all involved parties.
Eugene, Oregon American Small Town Not Far From Where Wells Fargo was Born. It is where Wells Fargo is Reborn. Dodd-Frank required us to carefully analyze our financial systems and ensure they were operating correctly.
The Eugene Blair Project led us into the public sector including police, prosecutors, and jail. Without getting into any detail at this time, we uncovered giant problems in our justice systems and procedures.
The problems are nation-ending if left unresolved. Our Project led us to immense opportunity for Wells Fargo & Company and in turn all of America. It has to do with the abuse of technology and systems to physically and mentally harm people. A new science is born: The study and remedy of System Obfuscation. And we own it, so to speak. It is immediate. It is important. It is actionable. It is new and illuminating.
We will be profiting for generations to come as we develop and exploit our findings in a most socially beneficial way. Wells Fargo and America are Reborn Again and Again. Wells Fargo does not name its Secret Operatives. We thank each of the people and the companies who helped with the Eugene Blair Project: Adversary attorneys and other Asshats: Notice to Everyone who screwed me or helped someone else or sat around and did nothing while I was Ghettoized... (Insert your fish story here. You make up a Constructive Role that portrays YOU as Helping American Workers and Citizens. For example, the police and all the crooked attorneys could have actually COORDINATED the project for Wells Fargo in conjunction with the Wells Fargo Chief Strategist as part of a Dodd Frank Field-Level Stress Test (or whatever). The possibilities are endless because as long as the VICTIM (me) agrees, it is normally the best way to make progress or at least not screw up everyone's current game which to me is so illegal and cruel it defies comprehension.
Real Police Audio: Cops in my home
Brand X Attorneys Could Not Imagine: Employee Being Admitted to FBI's Office While Employed to File a Crime Report. I reported internally on operational issues. I took it to FBI as a crime report due to INTERNAL RETALIATION IN VIOLATION OF SARBANES-OXLEY THAT INCLUDED ANTI-SEMITIC PROFILING This was email police used as an excuse to roust me at home. Read it and hang your head in shame.
- HELLO RICO, HELLO NUREMBERG - Deliberate Fraud of NIBRS (part of FBI's NCIS network) caused family removal Today We Feature Johnny Cash Telling You Like It Is.